
“BodySensei’s Aquacise makes hard work seem like fun in the sun!”

Exercise in the water or ‘Aquacise’ is a great workout for any age, shape or fitness level.  If you don’t like sweaty gyms and want to make the most of your outdoor exercise on this lovely island – come try this instead of walking, running or just swimming.

BodySensei Andy’s Aquacise in this video clip:

Aquacise used to be associated with the elderly or physiotherapy only but now it is increasing in popularity all over the world and has become a social, music filled, alternative experience for many.  From sportsmen and women, to physically challenged; from overweight to underweight; young or elderly – Aquacise can help you.

Benefit: Low impact exercises and water resistance helps your posture, joints, recovery from injuries and tones all of your muscle groups. This is a type of hydrotherapy that increases circulation and respiration with cardiovascular benefits.

Some More Benefits:

  • Total body workout while easy on your joints – very low impact
  • Cardiovascular/respiratory improvement with high-energy water walking, swimming or aerobic movements
  • Tones and builds muscles using water resistance against your movements
  • Improves balance, posture, coordination and water confidence

The instructor leads the class in and out of the pool and these are some examples of my Aquacise moves:

Aquacise photos taken by Lizzie Cantopher at La Source Resort, Grenada.  Thanks Lizzie!


“Is it a bird, is it a plane?  No – it’s superman Andy Grant!  Wow – does he have springs beneath his feet?  I don’t think I’ve seen so much energy packaged into one person!  I was lucky enough to have 2 aqua-aerobic classes with Andy – both highly enjoyable – though I’m not sure I managed to keep up all the time . . . The 2nd class ended 40 mins before I had to depart the Resort – but no way was I going to miss it.  I arrived with an ankle injury that prevented me from participating in a number of phyiscal activities over the last two years – I’ve now found a class that I’ll be able to continue with on my return to the UK and still have many of Andy’s inspirational and motivational words rining in my ears to ensure I keep it up.”  La Source guest

“For someone like me who never took an Aqua-Aerobics class in her life, I can’t tell you how much fun I had thanks to Andy, our enthusiastic instructor and former heavy-weight boxer, who made sure we all kept up with that disco-beat in the pool.”

15 Responses to Aquacise

  1. Turid Erichsen says:

    Hello Andy,

    Congratulations to your start of Aquacise. I would love to join in and….. may I bring David ? He is 13, but big as a man and in much need of exercise. Let me know.

    See you on the 24th.
    With my best regards,


  2. Tonya Duncan-Phillip says:

    Hi there,

    Just found out about this class today and would love to join! However I will not be able to make the class tomorrow. Can I still join and start next week?

    • bodysensei says:

      Yes you can join and start next week.
      BodySensei classes and I will help you with your fitness Gold’s and you will be the Master of your Mind & Body!! for better for life.

      Thank Tonya
      have a good day see you soon.

      Form Andy Grant

  3. Dr. June Douglas says:

    I would like to book 3 places if possible for next Thursday for myself, Mrs Waldron & Mrs St. Juste
    Many thanks

  4. Turid Erichsen says:

    Having fun exercising? It’s possible :AQUACISE is the answer. Andy, fabulous Andy, not only makes us work out hard, but doing it, we can’t stop smiling, and… afterwards, we feel sooo good.
    Andy’s energy is energysing, topped by beautiful surroundings and tremendous sunsets.
    Thank you Andy for making me and my body happy.
    David joins me thanking you.
    Thursday, 5pm is our ” happy hour ” now.

    Turid and David.

  5. Maria Kellett says:

    Andy is a total fitness machine, I completed the Aquacise, Power walk, Strech & Bootcamp classes at La Source on my recent visit. All classes are focused, stimulating and energising, the streching elements of all classes are both relaxing and balancing. Top draw training for two weeks, thanks Andy, any chance of an advance copy of your book & DVD?
    Maria, Oakley, Bedford, UK

    • bodysensei says:

      Hi Maria
      Thank you have a beauitful time Vibes!

      • Louise Pringle, sheffield, England says:

        I have just got back from an amazing 10 days at La Source. Andy is the most motivational, inspiring fitness instructor that I have ever worked with and I have worked with loads. He is genuinely commited to helping you achieve your body aspirations and he will accompany you on that journey every step of the way. He will encourage you, push you but truly support you and never ever make you feel foolish. I arrived fairly out of shape but I left feeling fabulous and have started to find muscles I never knew I had, with a programme I can continue in the UK!! Nothing is too much trouble for him and he always goes the extra mile.If you could bottle Andy’s passion and enthusiasm you would make millions. He is a legend… Dont miss the opportunity to work with Andy to get into shape, I guarantee you wont regret it for a second. Louise

      • bodysensei says:

        Hi Louise Thank you so much for trying my classes I’m happy it helps.
        And thank you fro the lovely compliment! Take care and enjoy!

  6. Catherine L says:

    My spinning classes back in London just aren’t the same as with Andy! His top tip “Don’t think” will stay with me for a long time!
    His and the team’s aquacise and aquatone are just awesome. Thank you for being part of making our week at La Source so amazing!
    Looking forward to coming back to Grenada soon, and seeing Bodysensei in the UK I hope.

    ‘Freestyle’ – Catherine (& Anna)

    p.s. let me know when the fitness guide for women is out please……..

    • bodysensei says:

      Thank so much Catherine & Anna for coming and I am looking forward to see you back to Grenada soon.
      I will let you know more about BodySensei soon when I am coming to the UK, yes I will let you know when the fitness guide for women is out take care. Be The Master of Your Body! Cool Vibes

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